Our Values & Purpose
Our Vision
What the world will be like when God’s kingdom comes in us and through us.
A society free from rejection, failure and loneliness. Where everyone can fulfil their destiny, whatever their past. Where the poor prosper and the sick are healed. Where the broken hearted are restored and the bound go free. Where marriages are rewarding and families bring out the best in one another. Where people from every nation and class live in harmony and enjoy life to the full.
Our Values
- L Love – we choose to love – showing patience, kindness and understanding.
- I Integrity – we will be honest with God and with each other, keeping a pure heart and our word whatever the cost.
- F Following God – through prayer, we always seek to hear and obey the voice of God.
- E Expansion – we refuse to remain small as long as we live in a big hurting world.

Community & Outreach
We want to be a blessing to our local community. Working together with other organisations, we provide:
- Help for the homeless – we collect bedding, clothing and footwear
- Support to ex-offenders – to help them settle back into normal life
- Companionship to older people – we visit those who are isolated
- Job Skills – we provide help preparing CVs, mock interviews and more
- 11+ – we offer mock 11+ exams free to any child sitting school exams in year 6
- Christmas Lunch on Jesus – we give fabulous food hampers at Christmas to families in need
- Food bank – providing bags of food items every Saturday for those in need
- Soup Kitchen – cooking hot meals for homeless men and women in the area
- Church On Wheels – bringing services to a local care home
We are also developing several other projects.

Family & Marriage
When God was planning the world, He started with a family. We know that strong, loving families form the bedrock of a great church. We seek to bring healing to the broken and strengthen the strong.
Marriages – at the heart of every strong family is a strong marriage. We work with couples to restore and refresh their relationships. We provide marriage preparation, we run quarterly marriage workshops and we have a team who support people in crisis. Please contact us at office@harvestchurch.org.uk for more information.
Raising children – as parents, we play a vital role in the development of our children. Although we can’t be perfect, we can work hard to be our best. We run regular parenting sessions to helps mums and dads raise strong, happy and confident young people.
Helping hands – we help families with children with disabilities by offering extra support on Sundays so that carers can receive from the Word safe in the knowledge that their children are in good hands.