Life Changers Bible Academy
Life Changers is for those who are hungry for God.
About Life Changers
It Will Help You
- Revolutionise your relationship with God
- Grow up in love, integrity and maturity
- Activate His plan and destiny for your life
- Excel in faith and understanding
You Need to Understand
Understanding drives out chaos, bringing freedom and clarity. Life Changers will help you:
- Understand who you are
- Understand your enemy
- Understand your destiny
- Understand eternity
A God Dream
Life Changers was given to us by God. Within minutes of waking from a divinely inspired dream, Pastor Paul Naughton had received the entire curriculum. It uses traditional school subjects to bring God’s Word to life in a brand new way, to enable you to become what God desires you to be.

Life Changers Bible Academy is a one-year part-time course held on Zoom on Saturdays between 10am and 12 noon.
COSTS (Per Term):
£70 per term
£60 per term for Harvesters
£50 for unemployed & students
Call us on 020 8900 2090 for more information.
Life Changers will dig deep.
God’s word is alive and full of power; it is sharper than any sword, piercing every open heart. Through Bible based, Spirit-led ministry, you will be strengthened, challenged, equipped, renewed and released into God’s purposes and blessings.
A team of dedicated and gifted teachers will minister to you through a mix of seminars, workshops, tutorials, team projects and practical assignments. Our ‘dean team’ will help ensure every student is transformed by God; and nationally renowned guest speakers will bring fresh fire and power.
As your mind is renewed, you will be transformed. And as you soak in His presence, you will be revived and restored. You will get to know God and His Word in greater depths and to higher heights. The Bible says that the amount of attention you give to God’s Word becomes the amount of supernatural power released in your life (Mark 4:24).
Through prayer and impartation, you will learn how to engage with God’s power to achieve His call for your life. This power has the potential to overflow into every part of your existence to bring transformation and victory.
God’s wonderful Word is presented through the following subjects: Biology, Physics, Maths, History, Geography, Language, Philosophy, Psychology, Military Strategy, Media and Politics.
A Taste of What’s to Come:
- The Human Heart: what does the bible say about the condition and defaults of the heart, and what can you do about it?
- Health: God’s plan for your life and your body is divine health. How can you take God’s miracle medicine?
- Fruit: which fruits of the Spirit are evident in your life? Do you really know what patience and meekness are? Find out how to get more fruit.
- Pentecostal History: what can we learn from past moves of the Spirit and from looking at the lives of God’s generals?
- Old Testament in Focus: get a clear picture of what happened, when it happened, and to whom.
- Missions: what is God’s purpose for missions, has He called you to the nations? What should we be doing?
- Great Commission: God has commanded every one of us to preach the gospel and make disciples. Some need more confidence, others need tips and one or two need a gentle shove.
- The Soul: the area we must learn to bring into subjection to Christ.
- Mind: right thinking produces right believing which produces right behavior. When your thinking is wrong, you are wrong. So how can you get it right?
- Emotions: learning to manage your emotions so that they become a channel for God’s love into the lives of others.