
Connect Groups
We have a growing number of dynamic cell groups which meet on Zoom and in person across the city throughout the week. They provide the perfect setting for people to experience the love and power of God, and to learn and grow together. Each group leader is committed to seeing their members grow in their relationship with Jesus, and to helping them fulfil their true potential.
Leaders are themselves in a discipleship group, ensuring they too receive healing, nourishment and training in ministry.
If you would like to find out about a group near you, please fill in the form below:

Cherishing our Children
Our desire is that every child at Harvest knows and experiences God’s love for themselves. Our classes are designed to teach and encourage even our toddlers to love each other and serve God from their hearts. They are raised up in an atmosphere of kindness and are shown how to share the love of Jesus with others.
Our interactive classes on Sundays cater for different age groups and we have a separate service for the teens. Special encounter days are set aside for the older children to draw near to God and get to know Him in a special way. In the summer we have a family fun day, at Halloween we enjoy our very own Light Party and at Christmas we perform a special production which the children love.

Young and loving life!
We are raising a generation of passionate, Spirit-filled, Bible believing young men and women who live their lives for God. Through meetings on Fridays and Sundays, as well as a programme of special events and weekends away, our youth experience God for themselves in life-changing ways.
Impact on Friday
Every Friday we meet from 7pm to 9pm and enjoy a mix of music, ministry, table tennis, Xbox, prayer, praise and more. Week by week, our young people develop great friendships and grow strong in Christ. We take the teens on special nights out at Christmas and during the summer visiting local attractions as well as other churches. Our regular jamming sessions are for all those who are passionate about music!
IOS (Impact on Sunday)
Our special youth service on Sunday afternoons creates the perfect setting for our young people to get involved in praise, worship, preaching, serving and more! The presence of God invades our services as lives are impacted by the goodness of God.
Youth pastors Chris and Hayet lead this ministry together with a team of charismatic, dedicated and fun-loving leaders.
Join us at The Leadership Training Centre, 40-43 North End Road, Wembley HA9 0AT on Fridays and Sundays! Call Chris on 07837 580 844 for more details.

Women’s Ministry
Special Events
We have a range of exciting events, weekends away and special services for women during the year. These provide the opportunity for women to make new friends and be refreshed, restored and revived.
Connect Groups
We have a network of vibrant small groups where we can meet new people, grow in God and support one another. To find out more click here.
Our annual women’s encounters enable ladies to get away from the cares of life to be with Jesus and each other. We return refreshed and renewed! For more information about our next women’s encounter and to register, call 020 8900 2090. Thank you.

Men’s Ministry
We are helping to build strong and successful men through a range of ministries:
The Furnace
We run a powerful prayer meeting for men on Zoom every Wednesday from 7.30pm to 8.15pm. Please contact us on
020 8900 2090 if you’d like to join. Thank you.
Connect Groups
Small groups throughout the city provide a great place for men to meet, learn and pray. Please click here to find out more.
Our annual men’s encounter is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and refuelling. For more information about the next men’s encounter and to register, call 020 8900 2090. Thank you.